The Ecological Paradise of Dahanu Tainted by Industries

Dahanu, a coastal town located 140km Northwest of Maharashtra’s capital city (Mumbai)
Dahanu, a coastal town located 140km Northwest of Maharashtra’s capital city (Mumbai)

A citizen-led study to ascertain air quality in Dahanu, Maharashtra revealed severe levels of air pollution that the Eco-Fragile region is impacted with. A total of 12 locations were sampled, out of which all recorded “Hazardous”, “Very Unhealthy” and “Unhealthy” levels of PM2.5. Heavy metals/trace elements such as Silica, Manganese, and Nickel which contribute to respiratory disorders, compromised immunity, and affect neurobehavioral functions were found exposed in it. 

To read the complete report, click below:

Sampling done by Healthy Energy Initiative - India (HEI-India)
Sampling done by Healthy Energy Initiative – India (HEI-India)

It began when a group of Chikoo growers approached DTEWA (Dahanu Taluka Environment Welfare Association), complaining about the blackening of Chikoo fruit and premature loss of crop affecting the whole of Dahanu. They reported that Chikoo productivity has reduced by half in the last decades due to this black fungal disease caused by pollution. DTEWA in-turn requested Healthy Energy Initiative – India (HEI-India) to probe into the matter and conduct a study.

Taking cognizance of this widespread impact on farmers, we decided to conduct this study to find a correlation between environmental pollution and Agri-yield loss” said Raajeev Laamba of DTEWA. The increasing density of industries around Dahanu, that includes the Adani-Dahanu Thermal Power Project, industrial clusters in the north and south, construction of roadways and rail corridors, and increasing concrete built-up area – all of their impacts culminate into the disastrous state of air pollution in the region.

The presence of a large number of industries is the major underlying factor that has worsened Dahanu’s air quality to its deplorable state
The presence of a large number of industries is the major underlying factor that has worsened Dahanu’s air quality to its deplorable state

“The data from the air pollution monitoring conducted in Dahanu, Maharashtra gives urgent cause for worry. The level of particulate matter (PM2.5) was found to be extremely high across the sampling sites as compared to both Indian (NAAQS) and international standards (US EPA). This, in combination with hazardous levels of silica dust, would compromise the respiratory and cardiovascular health of the population in this area, more so if the pollution continues unabated.” Said Dr. Adithya Pradyumna, a public health specialist and faculty member of Azim Premji University. “It is also important to improve access to healthcare for the local people. This includes well-functioning primary health centres and community health outreach, and also accessible higher-level care for non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases”, he added.

Health impacts due to the chemicals found in the particulate matter in the air of Dahanu
Health impacts due to the chemicals found in the particulate matter in the air of Dahanu

Dahanu is a rich with unique environmental features like coastal creeks, mangroves, hills, forests, rivers, streams, and ponds. It is considered the ‘food bowl’ of this region as it produces multiple tons of Chikoos (Manilkara zapota), guavas, mangoes, coconuts, seafood, vegetables including chilies and capsicums, fodders, spider lilies, and salt. No wonder Dahanu is also known as the ‘fruit and flower basket’ of Maharashtra and Gujarat. However, since the advent of industrial activities in the region, the productivity of horticulture and fishing has drastically reduced.

Dahanu is one of the last remaining green patches in the state of Maharashtra
Dahanu is one of the last remaining green patches in the state of Maharashtra

“Since 2002, as the quality of Chikoo has been reduced, the market value has also declined for our fruits. In 2006, Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) was set up in TPP. After which the yield improved only for a couple of years and again the productivity decreased later.” Said a Chikoo Farmer aged 42 years who was part of the study.

Blackened chikoos due to polluted air
Blackened chikoos due to polluted air

The results of the present study evidently show that the currently prevailing obnoxious levels of air pollution in Dahanu have severely impacted the health and well-being of the environment and local residents. The study recommends a few crucial measures to be taken, which include:

  • The need for a moratorium on expansion and setting up of new industries in the area
  • Pan-region real-time air quality monitoring
  • Public health advisories, and warnings
  • Enforcement of stringent regulations on polluting industries.
  • An assessment of the adequacy and preparedness of health facilities to be carried out, followed by addressing any gaps that are found.
  • Investigation into the damage to horticulture productivity and necessary compensation/subsidies must also be provided
  • Proactive measures to phase out and decommission the ageing, ailing and polluting Adani-Dahanu Thermal Power Station

To read the complete report, click below:



