Category: Perspective

  • The Ecological Paradise of Dahanu Tainted by Industries

    The Ecological Paradise of Dahanu Tainted by Industries

    A citizen-led study to ascertain air quality in Dahanu, Maharashtra revealed severe levels of air pollution that the Eco-Fragile region is impacted with. A total of 12 locations were sampled, out of which all recorded “Hazardous”, “Very Unhealthy” and “Unhealthy” levels of PM2.5. Heavy metals/trace elements such as Silica, Manganese, and Nickel which contribute to…

  • Coastal Road Myth Buster:

    Coastal Road Myth Buster:

    Another high tax payer infrastructure development project, but at what REAL cost? In the age of development vs. environment , we need to keep to constantly question, is this needed? Are we heading to real inclusive development, why are we choosing developmental models which favour corporate greed than peoples’ need? Background on Coastal Road On…

  • Aarey! The City and the Forest must Coexist

    By Priyanka Chaturvedi The United Nations (UN) is debating and discussing climate change in New York this week, with an emphasis on sustainable development goals. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also made a strong pitch for India’s leading role in this. India’s UN office, as part of the celebrations of 150 years of the Mahatma, has…